
Our vision is free, just, fair, inclusive and sustainable world without barriers, stereotypes and prejudices, in which everyone is disposed to realise their own personal potential independently, completely and without any discrimination. 

In this world all people have the means for full participation in social life and enjoy simply because of their virtue of human being all inalienable and indivisible civic, political, economic, social and cultural rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international and European human rights conventions.

We firmly believe that every human being is a beloved creature of God with inviolable human dignity, regardless of origin, language, culture, religion, world view and individual abilities, and human dignity of everyone has to be respected and protected by all state authorities, people and business entities. 

Our strong commitment drives to facilitate a society in which people stand up for each other and take together responsibility for their common peaceful, just, inclusive and sustainable future. 

The particular focus of our activities lies on socially disadvantaged issues, groups and people that generally do not gain public attention. 

Charter 22 is independent of governments, political ideologies, business interests and religions.


Raising awareness of respect for human dignity, freedom, well-being and equal rights as a basis for sustainable, non-violent, harmonious and peaceful co-existence

Promotion of understanding and development of respectful interaction and friendly relations between people based on mutual values beyond all political ideologies, religions, worldviews and cultures

Encouragement ethics of compassion, charity, social responsibility, sustainability and oriented towards the common good industry and commerce

Driving inclusion and equal participation of all people in social life so that to enjoy equally life prospects and opportunities for realising fully, independently and in non-discriminatory manner their own potential as personalities

Strengthening of awareness of responsibility both towards people and towards future generations

Promoting gender equality through removing existing social barriers

Empowerment of women, especially with migrant, refugee or poorer background or traumatic experiences of domestic violence

Promoting the effective enforcement of the fundamental principle of non-discrimination through effective protection mechanisms and personal empowerment against experiences of racism, prejudice and discrimination

Implementation of the empowerment approach and development of inclusive opportunities for socially disadvantaged people to lead free and self-determined life

Educational programmes and activities (both online and offline) that focus on promoting equality in human dignity to empower learners to contribute to the building and defence of a universal culture of human rights in society (human rights education)

Multiple actions for promotion of liberal democratic basic order and good governance, empowerment of socio-economic and democratic forces in society, implementation and development of cooperation approaches, strengthen synergy effects with the aim to stabilize democratization processes as the basis for peaceful, non-violent, harmonious co-existence (democracy promotion)


Performance and Management of Charitable Projects for the Benefit of Society with a Focus on Democracy, Inclusion, Social Cohesion and Equal Participation by promoting, supporting and encouraging socially disadvantaged people (disabled, women, migrants, refugees, victims of domestic violence or from poorer backgrounds) to enjoy equal rights, life prospects and opportunities, to take control of their own life and to make self-determinately positive decisions based on what they can and want

Creation of concepts, strategies, researches, reports, publications, information materials

Human rights education (both online and offline) for promoting values, beliefs and attitudes that encourage people to uphold their own rights and those of others

Mentoring, coaching and advising socially disadvantaged people as support for sustainable improvement of their living conditions and personal empowerment for leading an independent life (Help for Self Help)

Organising events (such as seminars, workshops, conferences, and panel discussions) for promotion of inclusion, social cohesion and equal participation of socially disadvantaged people and groups

Networking in favour of creating Open Spaces for engaging large and small groups of people in living discussions to explore existing and future social challenges, to find successful solutions and to show the fields of action with design necessity or future potential


Immigration Advice Service

Our professional fee-based Immigration Advice Service is aimed at all highly- qualified or skilled professionals from third (non-European) countries who want to gain a professional foothold in Germany, as well as at young people without qualification (career starters) who have sufficient knowledge of the German language.

Job coaching

Our Job coaching is available to all highly-qualified and skilled workers from third (non-European) countries who want to gain a professional foothold in Germany, as well as to young people and women without qualification (career starters) with refugee experience or disability who have been already living in Germany and want to take responsibility for realizing their professional and personal goals and look for professional peer-to-peer support with heart. Coaching occasions are as varied and individual as the personalities and needs of the human beings who come to us for advice and support.

Employment Agency

Our professional fee-based Employment Agency is available to all highly-qualified and skilled workers from third (non-European) countries who want to gain a professional foothold in Germany, as well as to young people without qualification (career starters) from third (non-European) countries who already have sufficient knowledge of the German language and want to complete a training in Germany.
